Product Description
The fossil market has no shortage of STROMATOLITE fossils but in every case, they are modestly sized, sliced and polished slabs of a former fossil colony. The fossil colonies look little more than amorphous stone blobs prior to slicing, lacking any fine original life-like detail. This is an EXTREMELY RARE example of a MASSIVE stromatolite SUPER-COLONY of prehistoric cyanobacteria. IT IS THE LARGEST FOSSIL OF ITS KIND WE KNOW OF AND IS MOST DESERVING OF THE FINEST MUSEUM COLLECTIONS. Found as a single enormous fossilized cluster, it shows a very rare instance of numerous spherically-shaped fossil cyanobacteria colonies growing on one another in the form of one gigantic super-colony of prehistoric bacteria. Giant single stromatolite fossil colonies in their natural form are very, very rare with few examples known like this specimen where they are portable. A fossil colony specimen like this is scarcer than words can describe, even more interesting it comes from the Oligocene Period. It is a lacustrine specimen so it was formed in prehistory in a freshwater ancient lake environment. On the sides are areas of drusy crystal formations in between some of the individual colony heads.
This showpiece specimen will most certainly provide for an unforgettable visual exhibit anywhere it is housed or shown. It is completely safe to touch so it would be a perfect. physical touch exhibit since the fossil is completely stable and durable.
This specimen has been laboriously prepared in our lab where we painstakingly removed the upper matrix rock layer to reveal all the delicate intact anatomy of each colony. We invested countless hours in fine manual and pneumatic tool preparation to expose all the individual colony heads, revealing amazing globular detail rarely seen. The detail is so minute and intact that they appear as if still alive exactly similar to the living specimens found today in Shark Bay, Australia.