Product Description
This huge fossil dinosaur tooth is from the largest meat-eating dinosaur that ever lived, Carcharodontosaurus. It is a massive GENUINE specimen from a full-grown, maximum size Carcharodontosaurus! It has become extremely difficult to get teeth this size and this is one of the largest teeth we have offered in the last 20+ years!!!
A tooth like this is VERY RARE in large meat-eating dinosaur teeth! Since a dinosaur this size had to feed so frequently to maintain its enormous body mass, most teeth when ejected from the jaw, were badly damaged and broken if not at that moment, over time in the ground. Despite the repairs and rough surfaces, this is A RARE and HIGHLY IMPRESSIVE FOSSIL DINOSAUR TOOTH and will certainly appreciate in time considering these teeth are just not being found any more.
Large Carcharodontosaurus dinosaur teeth of fine quality AND LACKING RESTORATION OR ENHANCEMENT have sharply appreciated in price and rarity. As fewer fine grade specimens are found and more and more collectors demand them, the logistics of their investment potential and continued appreciation is obvious.
Many large dinosaur teeth in the market today have been subject to extensive enhancement and fabrication. As the prices for large specimens continues to climb, the profits that can be gained illicitly are obvious and unless you are well-versed in restoration and repair, even dealers have been fooled. We have seen composites of a root from one tooth attached to the crown of another specimen. We have also seen massive but heavily worn stub teeth with fabricated tips and the entire tooth stained to a lustrous and "too good to be true" finish. This is usually evident in such well-defined and wavy color line where the crown color meets the lower root portion. If you see a large tooth in today's market that is of such extraordinary perfect condition, you should be HIGHLY SUSPECT AND GET EVERY POSSIBLE GUARANTEE OF NO FABRICATION OR RESTORATION IN WRITING BY THE DEALER!!! Ebay is THE worse for getting stuck by these. One dealer routinely sells amazingly large and extraordinary specimens that are mostly plastic. After years of doing this, he still has somehow avoided even a NEUTRAL feedback!!!
Don't be fooled when you are shopping for ANY large dinosaur teeth. These are common practices of both unscrupulous and uninformed dealers. It really pays to know who you are buying from! We see both of these practices done quite frequently in the large tooth market and numerous junk teeth are selling for ridiculous high prices as well as "too good to be true" prices. (ESPECIALLY on EBAY where fake EVERYTHING is RAMPANT!)
Stick with a dealer who actually has direct experience with performing restoration work so he or she intimately KNOWS what to look for. This is MUST! We have over two decades of experience in this field and we WILL DISCLOSE any work done when we sell a specimen.