Product Description
From a closed quarry in Poland, this is an unusually large and beautiful white block of limestone encasing a STUNNING, naturally occurring and well-preserved Perisphinctes sp. ammonite from the Jurassic Era. The ammonite and matrix from this region are found in beautiful, ivory white color and both the ammonites and matrix are usually this same bright hue. On some occasions, the ammonites have become very slightly tinted in a light green hue but they overall, are nearly the same beautiful tone as the white limestone boulders they are found in. This is a rare size specimen with a very large limestone rock layer still partially encasing the naturally golden ammonite. Most of the ammonites that were found there were not this large. It is a visually striking and unique interior design accent fossil of exceptional size!
From around the world, most fossil deposits of ammonites do NOT naturally produce the fossils on the matrix in a stark white color like this one. This source produced this unusual color ammonite fossils making them really impressive and attractive for interior design applications. A gold and white ammonite fossil like this can fit in any interior style from classic to extreme modern.
The chamber detail of these ammonites are very well-preserved and three dimensional. The ammonite protrudes fully off the matrix in the same form as when alive over 150 million years ago at a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
** shipping costs may be higher for international destinations due to the weight and size of the box.