Product Description
The Parahomalonotus species trilobite was a beautifully simplistic and streamlined creature. Its segments are so delicate and fine, it is more akin to looking like a fat worm rather than a crustacean. Very few genuine specimens can be found on the market, even less than the rare spiny types of trilobites from the Devonian. Of the ones that are found, most are so poorly preserved that they are not worth showing. Every collection should include a fine example of these odd species when a genuine one can be located.
At a width LONGER than most of measure in length, this is THE LARGEST Parahomalonotus we have ever seen or heard of. It is massive and the photo with the fossil in hand still does not fully convey its enormous proportion. In addition, this is one of the best preserved specimens we have seen, as well, and its enormous size would have meant that it had a thicker than typical carapace. Because of this, the carapace was able to fossilize in a better state than ordinary size examples. This trilobite is in an enrolled state and was prepared suspended up on a pillar or the original host rock in which it was found. Both eyes are present and are very pronounced with high relief. Scattered natural accents of cream colors highlight the charcoal black carapace. 100% AUTHENTIC and a prize specimen for the most advanced collections!
The entire trilobite has been meticulously prepared in a modern lab with micro-abrasive equipment to best expose the delicate detail and offer the finest presentation for display.