Product Description
This is an EXCEPTIONALLY RARE offering for the most discriminating collector of rare Paleolithic artifacts. This is a MICROGRAVETTE POINT, a type of Magdalenian Upper Paleolithic flint microlith flake tool. It was found in the famous rock shelter Cro-Magnon art site of Grotte des Harpons, in the Haute-Garonne department of France. Of the entire small collection we acquired, it was THE FINEST OF THE ENTIRE COLLECTION! The tiny secondary retouch flaking down the sides, required an amazing amount of skill, well beyond an average Cro-Magnon tool maker! More information about this unique Cro-Magnon site can be found HERE. Elaborately carved sticks with incredible sculptural designs, as well as artistic harpoons with carved designs, were found in this small Cro-Magnon rock shelter. The microlith flint carving flake tool offered here would have been used to achieve the unusual carved designs on the art found at this site. Based on the highly unusual art objects recovered from this site, it is intriguing to think of this former rock shelter as being the home and studio of a highly-gifted Cro-Magnon prehistoric artist! This is the FIRST TIME we are offering a very small collection of stone tool artifacts from this site and once sold, we never will have more!
This flint MICROGRAVETTE POINT would have been used to carve the harpoons and sculpt the designs in the sticks, that were found there. This microlith tool is complete as found, and has intact original sediment deposits still attached to authenticate its prehistoric origin.
A microlith is a small stone tool usually made of flint or chert and typically a centimeter or so in length and half a centimeter wide. They were made by humans from around 35,000 to 3,000 years ago, across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Microliths are produced from either a small blade (microblade) or a larger blade-like piece of flint by abrupt or truncated retouching, which leaves a very typical piece of waste, called a microburin. The microliths themselves are sufficiently worked so as to be distinguishable from workshop waste or accidents. An exceptional piece of evidence for the use of microliths has been found in the excavations of the cave at Lascaux in the French Dordogne. Twenty backed edge bladelets were found with the remains of a resinous substance and the imprint of a circular handle (a horn). It appears that the bladelets might have been fixed in groups like the teeth of a harpoon or similar weapon.
Two families of microliths are usually defined: laminar and geometric. An assemblage of microliths can be used to date an archeological site. Laminar microliths are slightly larger, and are associated with the end of the Upper Paleolithic and the beginning of the Epipaleolithic era; geometric microliths are characteristic of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. Geometric microliths may be triangular, trapezoid or lunate. Microlith production generally declined following the introduction of agriculture (8000 BC) but continued later in cultures with a deeply rooted hunting tradition.
Laminar microliths date from at least the Gravettian culture or possibly the start of the Upper Paleolithic era, and they are found all through the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. "Noailles" burins and micro-gravettes indicate that the production of microliths had already started in the Gravettian culture. This style of flint working flourished during the Magdalenian period and persisted in numerous Epipaleolithic traditions all around the Mediterranean basin. These microliths are slightly larger than the geometric microliths that followed and were made from the flakes of flint obtained ad hoc from a small nucleus or from a depleted nucleus of flint. They were produced either by percussion or by the application of a variable pressure (although pressure is the best option, this method of producing microliths is complicated and was not the most commonly used technique).
Regardless of type, microliths were used to form the points of hunting weapons, such as spears and (in later periods) arrows, and other artifacts and are found throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. They were utilised with wood, bone, resin and fiber to form a composite tool or weapon, and traces of wood to which microliths were attached have been found in Sweden, Denmark and England. An average of between six and eighteen microliths may often have been used in one spear or harpoon, but only one or two in an arrow. The shift from earlier larger tools had an advantage. Often the haft of a tool was harder to produce than the point or edge: replacing dull or broken microliths with new easily portable ones was easier than making new hafts or handles.