Product Description
Stromatolites are the FIRST evidence we have for life on Earth. When space exploration seeks life on other planets such as Mars, the specific evidence they are looking for are the presence of fossil stromatolites - traces of prehistoric bacteria colonies. Stromatolite fossils should be the foundation of any fossil display or collection and yet, they are often absent and their importance overlooked despite their enormous scientific importance in the history of all life. The fossil market has no shortage of STROMATOLITE fossils but in every case, they are sliced and polished slabs of a former fossil colony, NEVER kept in natural form to see the spectacular natural anatomy as this rare specimen has been retained.
This is a RARE offering of FIVE natural form pieces as found, of lacustrine (formed in a prehistoric lake) stromatolite colonies once deposited by prehistoric cyanobacteria. Not only is it rare to be whole in its natural form, it is from the Permian Period, a period of time absent in most stromatolite fossil collections! Keep as they are or slice and polish, or further prepare to reveal the 3D detail! There are several pieces that show amazing natural detail never seen in the common sliced pieces most often sold. There is also money to be made here should one decide to slice and polish these pieces! From the Permian extinction, the most devastating mass extinction our planet has ever endured.