Product Description
The extinct Carcharocles angustidens species of shark is the first in the lineage of extinct Great White Sharks and is considered the second generation of giant White sharks preceding the notorious C. megalodon shark. This shark shows features of its teeth that later Meg dropped, namely, the cusplets flanking the crown.
With the majority of Angustidens teeth found topping out in the low 2 inch lengths, here is one that if without the wear on the tip, would be nearly DOUBLE the average upper limit in size! The wear accounts for approximately .25 - .3" such that this tooth would have been close to 3.75 inches! This is the second largest Angustidens tooth we have ever offered.
The quality of this monster specimen can be considered at the top level of teeth, albeit with the natural feeding wear on the tip. At such an enormous size, the fact that this tooth does have such wear makes it even more interesting because as mentioned before, the tooth was from a shark that would have been even larger than one possessing teeth at 3.45 inches! The serrations, cusplets, root and enamel on this INVESTMENT GRADE example are superb. A tooth of this quality and size is truly an INVESTMENT GRADE specimen. Many Angustidens teeth are just over half of what the full length of this tooth would be AND, have considerable damage and damaged or missing side cusplets. The quality of the tooth is not sacrificed despite its GIANT proportions. Unusually large teeth come from UNUSUALLY LARGE sharks that need to feed all the time to support their gargantuan body mass. Such extreme feeding activity puts excessive stress and wear on the teeth so most often, large teeth of ANY predator will have more wear and damage than lesser size specimens. This giant tooth does not exhibit the wear and damage you would expect it to have from such a massive Angustidens shark.
Very few North America Angustidens teeth of this size are found! A real whopper tooth of superb quality and VERY highly recommended for the collector of the rarest fossil shark teeth one can find.